
An all-inclusive package for converting your existing libraries and projects into nbdev ones. Originally developed by Novetta and updated for nbdev2 by Dmitry Hits

nbdev is a fantastic workflow aimed at centralizing documentation, testing, and source code generation all out of one place: Jupyter Notebooks. However, what if you already have an existing project? As it stands the only way to convert your library over is through manual tasks (which can take > 30 hrs!).

lib2nbdev2 is the solution!

Instead, we can perform a one-time conversion on any existing library. During the conversion process the library will help you generate a proper settings.ini configuration file for your project. However you can also generate your own settings.ini and put it in your project’s core directory, such as:

Caveat: the program looks for*.py files in the subdirectory of your project whose name is taken from lib_name in the settings.ini of your project. You wou For generating a valid settings.ini, see an example at nbdev_template and the related nbdev documentation


pip install lib2nbdev2

How to use

From your project directory (in bash), simply run:


And it will automatically generate the notebooks needed, as well as privatizing any functions that may need it (anything preceding with a _ in the name) where they shouldn’t show in the generated documentation.

Afterwards you have a fully-functional nbdev library, and can make use of all its goodies!

Note for Windows Users:

Not tested on windows

Important Notice:

This is a one-time conversion, this does not allow for repeated python -> notebook conversions.